LACMTA – Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority: Serves as transportation planner and coordinator, designer, builder and operator for one of the country's largest, most populous counties.
LADWP – Los Angeles Department of Water and Power: Established more than 100 years ago to deliver reliable, safe water and electricity supplies to some 3.8 million residents and businesses in Los Angeles . The PUC does not have regulatory authority over municipal utilities such as LADWP.
LAFCO – Local Agency Formation Commission: State mandated local agency that oversees boundary changes to cities and special districts, the formation of new agencies including incorporation of new cities, and the consolidation of existing agencies.
LAN – Local Area Network: A system of linking PCs so that users may share resources, such as files, software, and printers.
Laser Printer: A high quality printer.
LATAs – Local Access Transport Areas: Geographical areas within which companies are permitted to offer exchange telecommunications services.
LAX: Los Angeles International Airport .
LDC – Local Distribution Company: A public utility that delivers natural gas to end-use customers through its own distribution system.
Lead Agency: A public agency that has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project.
LECs – Local Exchange Carriers: Telephone companies that provide local service.
LIEE – Low-Income Energy Efficiency: A PUC program that provides no-cost weatherization services to low-income households who meet the California Alternative Rates for Energy income guidelines. Seniors who are 60 years old and over, and disabled persons qualify for these services if their incomes are at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Services provided include attic insulation, energy efficient refrigerators, energy efficient furnaces, weather-stripping, caulking, low-flow showerheads, water heater blankets, and door and building envelope repairs that reduce air infiltration.
Liquefaction: The sudden temporary loss of shear strength in saturated, loose to medium dense, granular sediments subjected to ground shaking, as would typically occur with an earthquake.
LIRA – Low Income Ratepayer Assistance: A PUC program to provide eligible low-income residents of California a 15% discount on their monthly energy bills.
Littoral: Pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.
LMDS - Local Multipoint Distribution Service: A service with two-way capability to transmit voice, data, and other video information.
LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas: Natural gas that has been turned into liquid by chilling. Natural gas is liquefied to reduce its volume, making it easier to store and transport. (600 cubic feet of natural gas equals 1 cubic foot of liquefied natural gas.)
LNP – Local Number Portability: The ability of consumers to switch telephone companies/service providers and keep their existing telephone number.
Local Loop: A generic term for the connection between the customer's home, office and the carrier's central office. Historically, this has been a wire connection; however, wireless options are increasingly available for local loop capacity.
LPM – Lines Per Minute: A measure of printer speed.
LSEs – Load Serving Entities: Utilities that serve consumers.