Telecommunications Carriers' Service Quality Reports

Pursuant to General Order (GO) 133-D Section 6.4, the Communications Division posts wireline service quality reports and information to help telephone customers make informed decisions when selecting a telephone service provider.
Reports on Overall Annual Carrier Service Quality Performance:
- May 2018: California Wireline Telephone Service Quality Pursuant to General Orders 133-C and 133-D for Calendar Years 2014 through 2016
The report presents the service quality results of wireline telecommunications carriers from 2014 through 2016. With an in-depth explanation of GO 133-D’s service quality measurements, staff examined critical changes implemented since the GO’s adoption in August 2016 and makes recommendations for future evaluation of service quality data.
- September 2014: California Wireline Telephone Service Quality Pursuant to General Order 133-C Calendar Years 2010 through 2013
The report discusses the service quality results of wireline telecommunications carriers for calendar years 2010 through 2013 pursuant to GO 133-C. The findings and conclusions in the report are based on the data reported by the respective companies. In addition, this report assesses alternatives to current GO 133-C standards and measures, as well as options for penalty/incentive mechanisms.
- March 2011: Communications Division's Report on Wireline Telephone Carrier's 2010 Service Quality Performance
The report discusses the service quality results for 2010 submitted pursuant to GO. 133-C. The findings and conclusions in the report are based on the data reported by the respective companies. The report also addresses the responses of AT&T California and Verizon California to the severe winter storms that caused wide-spread service outages in Southern California during the months of December 2010 and January 2011.
Other Reports:
- July 2019: Network Exam of the Local Telecommunications Networks and Related Policies and Practices of AT&T California and Frontier California, 2010-2017
- April 2018: Analysis of Major Communication Outages in California during the 2017 January-February Storms
The report examines the causes of major customer outages of the state's communications networks during the severe storms of January and February 2017, when California experienced the most rainfall in recorded history. The report informs the Commission on the quality and reliability of the state's communications infrastructure and highlights ways to improve public safety.
Reference Information:
- Carrier Performance in Out of Service Repair Interval Measure from 2012 – 2018
AT&T and Frontier
- GO 133-D Service Quality requirements:
Service Quality Rules and Reporting Requirements and Reporting Instructions
- The size of all carriers relative to the number of working lines in California:
Number of Working Lines in California from Carriers Reporting Under G.O. 133-D - June 2023
The contents of the reports are as filed by the companies, with the calculations of exclusions according to the companies’ interpretation of G.O. 133-C and D. 09-07-019, as well as G.O. 133-D and D. 16-10-019. CPUC staff has not attested to the accuracy of the companies’ exclusions or calculations.