Safety Checklist: The Safety and Enforcement Division has worked with Energy Division to develop safety requirements checklists associated with the IOUs’ transportation electrification programs that provide guidelines to ensure the safety of utility workers, contractors, and program participants.


Data Templates: Most of the current transportation electrification infrastructure programs require the IOUs to utilize templates for their annual data reporting.


EV Cost and Load Report: Pursuant to D.16-06-011, the three large IOUs jointly file the annual EV Cost and Load Report to examine EV customer charging behavior and service and distribution system upgrade costs related to EV load. This report illustrates the costs of infrastructure installed through the IOUs’ EV charging programs, and infrastructure installed through their Electric Rule 15 and 16, and the impact EV rates have on driver charging behavior. Beginning with the report filed in 2023, the IOUs will additionally report on data related to their EV Infrastructure Rules.

Sister Agency ZEV Resources:


Research Database: In 2018, CPUC collected pilot project information through survey on ZEV infrastructure and VGI research. The survey results are publicly available and can be downloaded as an Excel file. The database includes for each project: contact information, location, participants, objectives, rates, funding, timeline, vehicles, equipment, standards, and software.

Vehicle and Incentive Resources:

Data Analysis