Equity Initiatives and Clean Energy Access Program Webinar
Date | 02/15/2023 |
Time | 06:00 PM |
Location | Remote access via Webex or phone |
Contact | outreach@cpuc.ca.gov |
Webcast | https://cpuc.webex.com/weblink/register/r80f73f4e4e1298fec46f875b3f086390 |
Please join the CPUC on February 15, 2023 from 10 a.m. - noon for an informational webinar on the draft Equity Initiatives and Clean Energy Access Grant Program (draft grant program).
Register for the webinar here.
AB 179 (Ting) signed by Governor Gavin Newsom appropriates $30,000,000 in funding to expand the scope of public participation to include tribes and community-based organizations that have not historically engaged with matters before the California Public Utilities Commission.
The purpose of the funding is to increase the breadth and depth of voices providing input on issues affecting state residents, especially those in diverse and low-income communities, hard to reach customers, individuals with access and functional needs, and frontline communities experiencing the impact of climate change.
CPUC staff will provide an overview of the draft grant program and a Q&A session will provide attendees with an opportunity to share their opinions and ask questions on the issues discussed.
Comments on the draft grant program may be submitted to outreach@cpuc.ca.gov until 5 p.m. on February 27, 2023.
More information on the Informational Webinars page.