Date 03/01/2023
Time 09:30 PM
Location Blue Lake Hotel and Conference Center, 777 Casino Way, Blue Lake, California 95525

Meeting Location (in-person only):
Blue Lake Hotel and Conference Center
777 Casino Way, Blue Lake, California 95525

Contact: Kenneth Holbrook, CPUC Tribal Advisor at

More info:


As part of the OIR, the CPUC is conducting outreach, presentations, and Consultations with California Tribes to seek input on the appropriate scope of the proceeding. This consultation will provide information about the OIR and information about how to participate in the proceeding.

On February 16, 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) opened an Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) to Implement Resolution E-5076 and Review of Tribal Policies. The OIR is primarily focused on the Tribal Land Transfer Policy (TLTP,) and will also consider the CPUC’s Tribal Consultation Policy and mechanisms to enhance participation by Tribes in all CPUC’s proceedings and programs.

The Tribal OIR Broadband Consultation (2/28) and Tribal Roundtable Discussions (3/1) are an opportunity for the CPUC to discuss the topics, hear comments, and learn about additional matters Tribal representatives would like to share on broadband matters. The OIR seeks to further the availability and adoption of broadband in Indian Country, promote improved positive government-to-government relationships between the CPUC and California Tribes, and increase capacity for Tribal participation in CPUC proceedings and programs.

This two-part event is open to all California Tribes. The Tribal Consultation, on February 28th, will focus on the broadband investment programs at the state and federal level. The breakout session on March 1st will focus on facilitated roundtable discussions with tribal leaders, to inform CPUC leadership about the issues that need to be addressed as to tribal broadband challenges. 

California Tribes: Don't forget to join the 2nd event of the in-person Broadband Tribal Consultation in Indian Country. On 3/1, during the SAFE Symposium, there will be a roundtable Tribal Discussion with CPUC Commissioner Darcie L. Houck on broadband issue areas/areas that need attention, feedback from 2/28 presentations, other broadband topics that Tribes wish to discuss.