Long-Term Gas System Planning Workshop 1 of Track 2
Proceeding R. 20-01-007
Date | 01/10/2022 |
Time | 05:30 PM |
Location | Remote access via Webex or phone |
Call-in-Number | 415-655-0002 |
Participant PASSCODE | 2480 535 4677# |
Contact | kristina.abadjian@cpuc.ca.gov |
Webcast | https://cpuc.webex.com/cpuc/j.php?MTID=m97c08a53c39c0da27f2bfe17bf86ab04 |
R.20-01-007 (WS) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Establish Policies, Processes, and Rules to Ensure Safe and Reliable Gas Systems in California and perform Long-Term Gas System Planning.
Webex: https://cpuc.webex.com/cpuc/j.php?MTID=m97c08a53c39c0da27f2bfe17bf86ab04
Event number: 2480 535 4677
Meeting Passcode: GasPlanning2022
Phone: Call-In Number: 415-655-0002, passcode: 2480 535 4677#
Contact: Kristina Abadjian at kristina.abadjian@cpuc.ca.gov