Date 01/29/2021
Time 04:45 PM
Location Byron Sher Auditorium, CalEPA Building, 1001 I St., Sacramento

The CPUC and the California Energy Commission held a joint En Banc Hearing with Commissioners of both agencies attending to discuss the changing state of retail electric choice in California, as detailed below. Following the En Banc, CPUC President Picker asked for informal comments on the CPUC's Staff White Paper titled, "Consumer and Retail Choice, the Role of the Utility, and an Evolving Regulatory Framework," published May 9, 2017, and on the questions posed to the panelist at the May 19, 2017, En Banc. You can read the comments on our Retail Choice En Banc Comments webpage. 

Overflow Sitting/Viewing:

  • Sacramento:  Klamath Room, CalEPA Building, 1001 I St., Sacramento
  • San Francisco: CPUC Auditorium, 505 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco

Notice: Per California Government Code Section 11125, Public Notice of this En Banc will be served on the following open Ratesetting proceedings, each of which may be covered during this En Banc.

A1608006- PG&E Diablo Canyon Proposal

A1609001- Southern California Edison General Rate Case

R1206013- Residential Rates

R0310003- Assembly Bill 117 Rulemaking

R1408013- Distribution Resources Plans Rulemaking

R1410003- Integrated Distributed Energy Resources Rulemaking

R1512012- Time of Use Rulemaking

A1509001- PG&E General Rate Case

A1701012, ...18, …19 - IOU 2018-2022 Demand Response Portfolios

R1309011- Demand Response Rulemaking

R1407002- Net Energy Metering Rulemaking

R1410010- Resource Adequacy Rulemaking

R1602007- Integrated Resource Planning Rulemaking

R1211005- California Solar Initiative/Self-Generation Incentive Program Rulemaking

R1502020- Renewables Portfolio Standard Rulemaking

A1704018- Portfolio Allocation Methodology Application

A1701013, .14, .15, .16, .17 - IOU/CCA Energy Efficiency Business Plans

A1701020, .21, .22 - IOU Transportation Electrification Proposals

R1311005- Energy Efficiency Rulemaking

R1503011- Energy Storage Rulemaking

R1311007- Zero Emission Vehicles Rulemaking


1) Introductory Remarks from California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Picker and California Energy Commission Chair Robert Weisenmiller (8:45-9 a.m.)

2) CPUC President Picker presents White Paper on Retail Choice, the Role of the Utility and an Evolving Regulatory Framework (9-9:15 a.m.)

3) Panel Discussion: What Customers Want (9:15 - 10:45 a.m.)

Overview and discussion of priorities and requirements of major customer categories, including the types of retail electricity choices they want, key consumer protection concerns, general view on the structure of California's retail electricity market, and the role of regulatory agencies and utilities. Each presenter will be given 5-7 minutes to discuss their view of their customer segments key interests. This will be followed by moderated Q&A with Commissioners given first opportunity to ask questions.

Moderator: Ralph Cavanagh, Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC)

  • Marcel Hawiger, Attorney, The Utility Reform Network
  • Strela Cervas, Co-Executive Director, California Environmental Justice Alliance
  • Tim McRae, Vice President, Silicon Valley Leadership Group
  • Mark Byron, University of California, Office of President
  • Nora Sheriff, Alcantar-Kahl Law representing California Large Energy Consumers Association
  • Katie Jackson, Vice President, Jackson Family Wines


4) Panel Discussion: State of Customer Choice in California (11 a.m.- 12:15 p.m.)
Overview and discussion of current state of customer choice in California. Presenters will be given 8-10 minutes to respond to the CPUC's interest in retail choice and the utility business model and share their views on how the regulatory framework must evolve to enable competitive suppliers and technologies to play a growing role in helping California achieve its long-term goals. This will be followed by moderated Q&A with Commissioners given first opportunity to ask questions.

Moderator: Sue Tierney, Analysis Group

  • Anne Hoskins, Chief Policy Officer, SunRun
  • Geoff Syphers, Chief Executive Officer, Sonoma Clean Energy
  • Ron Perry, CEO, Commercial Energy
  • Jeff Cramer, Executive Director, Coalition for Community Solar Access

LUNCH (12:15-1:30 p.m.)

5) Panel Discussion: Investor-Owned Utility Perspective on Current State of Retail Electricity Market and Coming Changes

This panel is an opportunity for the three investor-owned utilities to discuss current challenges and lay out their vision for the evolution of retail electricity choice and their 'Business Model' in this future. Each presenter will be given 15-20 minutes to discuss a specific component of the evolving Utility Business Model (wires company in a non-wires alternative world; achieving 50 percent Renewables Portfolio Standard and beyond; and electrifying everything). This will be followed by moderated Q&A with Commissioners given first opportunity to ask questions.

Moderator: Ren Orans, Energy and Environmental Economics

  • Caroline Choi, Vice President, Southern California Edison
  • Steve Malnight, Executive Vice President, Pacific Gas and Electric Company
  • Dan Skopec, Vice President, San Diego Gas & Electric


6) "Big Think Presentation" on the Future of Retail Electricity Service (3:15-4:30 p.m.)

This section will be an opportunity for our panel moderators, as well as nationally recognized industry experts, to reflect on the day's discussion and share their perspectives on a) what retail electric market structures are necessary to ensure California achieves its 2030 goals; and b) what considerations must California account for related to technological change in its regulatory framework and how is technological change impacted by the structure of the investor-owned utility. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes to share their perspectives, followed by a moderated discuss and Q&A with Commissioners.

Moderator:  Jan Smutney-Jones, Executive Director, Independent Energy Producers Association

  • Sue Tierney, Analysis Group
  • Ren Orans, E3
  • Ralph Cavanagh, NRDC
  • Jon Wellinghoff

7) Public Comment, Commissioner Reactions, and Closing Comments (4:30-5:15 p.m.)

Members of the public are invited to submit question/comment cards throughout the day that will be shared during this final session.

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