Date 03/24/2023
Time 01:00 AM
Location Sherman Heights Community Center, Multi-purpose Room, 2nd Floor, 2258 Island Ave. San Diego, CA 92102

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold several public forums to provide an opportunity for customers of San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to offer perspective and input about the company’s rate requests, as follows:


  • March 6, 2023: 6 p.m. (virtual only)
  • March 15, 2023: 1 p.m. (virtual only)
  • March 23, 2023: 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. (in-person only)


  • Address: Sherman Heights Community Center, Multipurpose Room, 2nd Floor, 2258 Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92102
  • If you wish to make a public comment, please sign up at the Public Advisor’s table.

You can also make your voice heard in the proceedings, and read the comments of others, on our online Docket Card comment section for the proceeding at

Members of the public can attend the public forums (formally known as Public Participation Hearings) remotely by phone or Internet on March 6 and March 15 or in-person (no remote access) on March 23. Those who would like to make public comment at the remote public forums must participate by telephone and make comment through the toll-free phone line. Those intending to make public comment in-person on March 23 can sign up to speak at the Public Advisor Office’s table.

The public forum will begin with a brief overview of SDG&E’s requests, then public comments will be heard. At least one representative from the utility company will be available to customers during the public forum for individual service, including billing issues.

Why is SDG&E requesting this rate increase?

On May 16, 2022, SDG&E filed its 2024 General Rate Case application (A.22-05-016) with the CPUC. The application, as updated in October 2022, requests authority to increase revenues for 2024-2027. SDG&E is requesting to increase revenues by $449 million (17.6% increase over 2023 expected revenues) in 2024. This application also includes requested increases of $315 million (10.5%) in 2025, $306 million (9.2%) in 2026, and $279 million (7.7%) in 2027. The cumulative requested revenue increase is $3,633 million.

Every four years, SDG&E is required to file a GRC application with the CPUC to set annual revenues. Annual revenues are the total amount of money a utility is allowed to collect through rates in a given year. The revenues requested in this application pay for the costs of owning and operating electric distribution and generation facilities and maintaining gas infrastructure. This application does not include the cost to purchase natural gas and electricity for SDG&E customers and does not determine how revenues are assigned to customer groups. Those are evaluated and authorized in separate proceedings.

SDG&E is requesting this increase to:

  • Continue to invest in its gas and electric systems to enhance safety and reliability, and to manage risks that could impact its employees, customers, and/or system;
  • Invest in its electricity and gas systems and technologies that advance clean energy for customers and the environment;
  • Fund support services and to provide SDG&E’s customers with safe, reliable and responsive customer service;
  • Meet regulatory and compliance requirements driven by system safety and reliability and environmental compliance; and
  • Invest in efforts and programs to maintain a highly trained, qualified, and diverse workforce.

If the CPUC approves this application, SDG&E will implement new revenues in electric and gas rates beginning on January 1, 2024. This will impact your monthly bill.

How could this affect my monthly electric bill?

If SDG&E’s rate request is approved by the CPUC, the typical inland and coastal residential monthly bill using 400 kWh per month would increase by approximately $8.45 or 5.3% per month in 2024, compared to estimated 2023. Individual customer bills may vary.

How could this affect my monthly gas bill?

If SDG&E’s rate request is approved by the CPUC, the typical residential monthly bill using 24 therm per month would increase by approximately $9.16 or 17.5% per month in 2024, compared to estimated 2023. Individual customer bills may vary.

While a quorum of Commissioners and/or their staff may attend the public forums, no official action will be taken on this matter.

If special accommodations are needed to attend, such as non-English or sign language interpreters, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at or toll-free at 866-849-8390 at least five business days in advance of the public forum.

Further information on public forum is available at