Date 01/27/2023
Time 02:00 AM
Location Remote access only via webcast or phone
Call-in-Number 1-800-857-1917
Participant PASSCODE 1767567#

The CPUC will hold a remote public forum on January 26, 2023 at 6 p.m. to provide an opportunity to offer comment about PG&E’s requests related to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit.


  • Live video broadcast with English or Spanish captions via webcast:
    • Participants who choose to participate via webcast will only have audio and video capabilities but will not be able to make verbal comments. If you would like to make a comment during the meeting, the phone-in information is below.
    • For captions, after clicking on the name of the workshop, click the green button at the bottom of the video for captions. Then select captions by clicking on the white icon next to the word “live” at the bottom of the video.
    • The forums will also be recorded and archived for future viewing.
  • English Phone: 800-857-1917, passcode: 1767567#
    • Participants will have audio in English and will be able to make comments. (To make a comment, after entering the passcode, when prompted press *1, unmute your phone, and record your name.)
    • Wait times depend on the number of speakers in the public comment queue. During times of high call volumes, wait times will be longer. The operator will call on you when it is your turn to speak.

You can also make your voice heard in this proceeding, and read the comments of others, on our online Docket Card comment section for the proceeding at

While a quorum of Commissioners and/or their staff may attend the public forums, no official action will be taken on this matter.

If special accommodations are needed to attend, such as non-English or sign language interpreters, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at or toll-free at 866-849-8390 at least five business days in advance of the public forums.

Further information on the public forums is available at

The Ruling setting the public forums is available at

Documents related to this proceeding are available at